Having a baby is a special happiness. Moreover if this baby is normal and healthy.
What the characteristics of the normal and healthy baby. Along with this is the characteristics of the normal and healthy baby.
Several characteristics of the normal and healthy baby in part:
1.The baby cried hard and in a high-pitched manner.
2.The colour of reddish skin, from the front, the lip, as far as the hands and the part foot arms and the leg moved active, the hands kneaded and folded on the elbow, the leg half folded in the foundation of the thigh and knees.
3.The baby's breath is arranged and calm, the wall of the chest and the wall of the moving stomach is arranged. All complete in every aspect body members, from the end foot as far as the tip of hair. Including the mouth hole, the anus and the navel.
4.Excrement on the first day until 7th is green, the following day changed become yellow.
5.Whereas the colour of clear or yellowish urine.
6.The white colour of the eyes stayed white, not yellow.
7.If in the age 4 weeks are considered by all the functions of the good body, was significantly normal.
So several characteristics of the healthy and normal baby.
May this information be useful for you.
Congratulations with your
kedatangan anggota keluarga baru membawa konsekuensi kepada ayah dan bundanya, secara moral harus mempertanggungjawabkannya kepada Sang Pencipta. pertanyaanya : sanggupkah ?
Kesanggupan sama halnya dengan keyakinan, semua tergantung bagaimana kita menanggapinya. Seseorang akan menjadi sanggup bila ia menanamkan keyakinan dengan segenap keikhlasan dalam dirinya untuk merawat amanah Allah ini (anak.red). Ketika hati telah diniatkan untuk menjaga amanah ini dengan baik, Insya Allah segala sesuatunya akan menjadi baik. Dan sesungguhnya Allah tidak memberikan cobaan melebihi kemampuan hambanya. Jadi pada hakekatnya ketika kita diberi keluarga baru ini, kita telah sanggup menjalaninya. Allah Mengetahui segala hal yang tidak kita ketahui.
"Allah mempunyai hujjah yang jelas lagi kuat; maka jika Dia menghendaki, pasti Dia memberi petunjuk kepada kamu semuanya." (Al-An'aam 149)
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